Unfortunately, I don't see it up here, because my screen isn't wide enough right now. And I want to look over here on the right side for something called span columns. Now up in the control panel, I'll switch to the paragraph formatting mode.

And I'm going to select both of these first two paragraphs.

I'll double click inside this text frame to switch to the Type tool. Now, we could cut that paragraph out and put it into a different text frame, when that's only a single column wide, but there's a much easier way to do it. That is I want this paragraph to span across both of those columns. But this heading at the top should only be one. And then I'll go to the Object menu and choose Text Frame Options. For example, let's select this frame over on the right. Along the way, you will learn the secrets of nondestructive editing using Smart Objects and master features such as layers, artboards, libraries, adjustment layers, filters, blending modes, layer effects, typography, custom brushes, vector masks, and much more-increasing your productivity every step of the way.- We'll look at how to split text frames into multiple columns in an earlier chapter. This course shows the most efficient ways to perform common design tasks, including layout, image editing, drawing shapes, and working with type and fonts. Photoshop CC is loaded with tools and features for making tonal and color adjustments, applying effects and treatments to type and graphics, and distorting, filtering, and layering elements, while always maintaining the highest-quality output. In Photoshop CC 2017 Essential Training: Design, Julieanne Kost created a course specifically for designers, with the goal of removing technical barriers so you can master the technology, start creating as soon as possible, and quickly get results. Photoshop is a powerful program used across many industries, from art, photography, film, and design to law enforcement and scientific imaging. So I’ll definitely be checking out her new course, Photoshop CC 2017 Essential Training: Design. And when it comes to fundamental Photoshop instruction, there is no one on the planet I’d rather listen to than Julieanne Kost. But I also find that the release of a new version is a great time to brush up on older features that I might have gotten rusty at using (or forgotten about entirely). Earlier this month, Adobe released Photoshop CC 2017, sending millions of users scrambling to find out what’s new and improved in their favorite image editing app.